Monday, February 19, 2007

John Steinbeck

Q:What do you think these quotes reveal about JS's veiw of Life?
"In this gulf of unceatain light, there were more illusiions than realities"p 19
"She had no prayede direcltyfor the recovery of the baby-she had prayed that they might find a pearl with wich to higher the docter to cure the baby, for the minds of people are as unsubstanceial as the mirage of the gulf"p 16

A:I think these quotes reveal a lot of what JS thinks of life and everything in it. The Pearl is basicly JS's veiw of society, greed, and corupption. I think that JS had some problem with depression and saw every good thing as a lie or hoax. The "mirages" and "illusions" mentioned in both quotes are the good things that he see's as lies. In the Pearl, the pearl and the misfourtune it brings are examples of his beleif that good things, are fake, at least I think so.


Koko said...

He's showing that lots of things in life are Illusions, the gulf, the gods, ect.
Ps Also, in the end he shows that even the pearl was an illusion-they thought it was good, but it turned out evil...

Heat Seeker said...

Good thought! That makes sense. It also shows JS's supernatural beleifs.

Ahgrat Ukmar

gollum said...

my precious!!!! ahhhhh!

Stephanie said...

I think it has to do with their whole belief system - that the god's wouldn't give them stuff if they really wanted it and that they had to just want it enough. They can never really express themselves they have to illude to it. Then as Kara said there are so many things that appear good but turn out bad - un allusion.

Koko said...

Also, remember that Steinbeck lived during the depression-everything he thought was sturdy fell apart. He probably believed that nothing is as it seems and things can collapse or change without warning or not exist at all